Date: 6th May 2022
Location: Virtual
Type: {{my.Event Type}}
Join us at this first in a series of lunch and learns on Friday May 6th at 12pm. Everyone who registers will receive a voucher to purchase a lunch of their choice. Following a brief overview of all things Pure Storage, this virtual lunch and learn will look at the need for simple fast data architectures (Distributed/Parallel File Systems) for modern applications such as KDB+ and the move to a disaggregated compute and storage architectures. KDB+ is an ultra-high-performance framework designed for rapid real-time analytics on large-scale datasets such as those found in high frequency trading, computational decision support and machine learning trading models. We will look at common challenges our customers face today with multiple silos’ of HDBs or HDBs that are several 100TB+ in size, and the growing requirements to access richer datasets for new lines of business and improved insights. As KX and similar analytics platforms expand their reach, IT professionals and decision makers are still figuring out the optimal platforms to deploy these modern applications. It only makes sense that modern applications such as KDB deserve modern infrastructure and storage for optimal performance and availability. Get your questions on modern data application environments answered and modernise your IT organisation for the future!
Date & Time
6th May 2022
12:00PM BST
Register Now